declarative_authorization 0.4
I just pushed the decl_auth 0.4 gem to gemcutter.
Major changes since the 0.3 release:
Improved DSL: allow nesting of has_many associations for if_permitted_to and if_attribute:
has_permission_on :companies, :to => :read do if_attribute :branches => { :manager => { :last_name => is { user.last_name } } } if_permitted_to :read, :branches end
Simplified controller authorization for RESTful controllers with filter_resource_access. Instead of multiple filter_access_to statements, one line is often sufficient:
class BranchController < ApplicationController filter_resource_access :nested_in => :companies end
Controller namespace handling. Now, the decl_auth context in controllers is prefixed by the underscored namespace by default. Thanks for all those implementation suggestions in the Github forks.
Improved STI handling by allowing to explicitly define the model’s decl_auth context. Just override AModel.decl_auth_context.
Test helper to test authorization rules, e.g.
with_user a_normal_user do should_not_be_allowed_to :update, :conferences should_not_be_allowed_to :read, an_unpublished_conference should_be_allowed_to :read, a_published_conference end
permitted_to?/! on model level. You may now use those methods in models as you are used to from controllers and views.
Switched to gemcutter for gem distribution.
Change support in the development support backend (I’ll write a separate Blog post on decl_auth change support soon)
And lots of smaller fixes: full change log.